Terminate membership

What a shame that you want to stop exercising at HealthCenter. We will do our best to make your termination smooth and hassle-free.

You can only end your membership at our club. Once we have processed your termination, you will always receive a confirmation email.

Freeze subscription or stop exercising permanently?

In the past, you joined with a purpose. What was your athletic goal and have you reached that goal by now?

Are you lacking motivation, missing guidance or missing something in our offerings? We rose to the challenge together and unfortunately you now want to quit. If there is anything else we can help you with, we will be very happy to do so.

Still want to cancel your subscription? Then stop by the front desk

Do you have an injury, are you pregnant or is there another reason that you cannot use your subscription for an extended period of time? If so, please contact us. We can “freeze” your subscription by mutual agreement.

We are committed to continuing to improve HealthCenter. We can do this in part because of your help. So if you have feedback, let us know!

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